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How To Cite FaceBase | FaceBase

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How To Cite FaceBase

This guide will help you provide complete and journal-worthy citations when you use data from the FaceBase site to provide transparency and reproducibility for your data. Your acknowledgment will also help the NIDCR track community use of this resource. Thank you!

Best practices recommend that you cite:

Note: Copyright to data and images on the FaceBase site is held by the individual investigators that contributed them.

On this page:

To cite FaceBase as a resource:

Please use the following citation when your research involved resources from the FaceBase website.

FaceBase 3: analytical tools and FAIR resources for craniofacial and dental research Bridget D. Samuels, Robert Aho, James F. Brinkley, Alejandro Bugacov, Eleanor Feingold, Shannon Fisher, Ana S. Gonzalez-Reiche, Joseph G. Hacia, Benedikt Hallgrimsson, Karissa Hansen, Matthew P. Harris, Thach-Vu Ho, Greg Holmes, Joan E. Hooper, Ethylin Wang Jabs, Kenneth L. Jones, Carl Kesselman, Ophir D. Klein, Elizabeth J. Leslie, Hong Li, Eric C. Liao, Hannah Long, Na Lu, Richard L. Maas, Mary L. Marazita, Jaaved Mohammed, Sara Prescott, Robert Schuler, Licia Selleri, Richard A. Spritz, Tomek Swigut, Harm van Bakel, Axel Visel, Ian Welsh, Cristina Williams, Trevor J. Williams, Joanna Wysocka, Yuan Yuan, Yang Chai. Development 2020 Sep 21;147(18):dev191213. doi: 10.1242/dev.191213.

To cite projects and specific datasets from FaceBase:

Please use our "Share and cite" button to cite projects and datasets in papers that used or reused those data.

Example showing the location of the Share link

This function displays a data citation - which you may copy or download - that includes a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), a permanent identifier that is guaranteed to always link to the current location of the data.

A citation to a dataset in FaceBase is essentially equivalent to a citation to a paper or other scholarly work.

Example showing the Share popup with the citable identifier

Format for projects:

Contributors. Project title. FaceBase Consortium Identifier (Publication Year)
Greg Peter Holmes, Ethylin Wang Jabs, Harm Van Bakel. Transcriptome Atlases of the Craniofacial Sutures. FaceBase Consortium (2017).

Format for datasets:

Authors. Title. FaceBase Consortium Identifier (Publication Year)
Here is an example of citing a dataset:
Homes G, Van Bakel H, and Jabs E. Single Cell Sequencing - Coronal Suture, Wild Type, E18.5 and P10. FaceBase Consortium (2018).

Compact version (for slides):

Use information shared on our "Share and cite" button to cite datasets using a more compact format suitable for slides or presentations:

Last name of lead author et al., FaceBase Consortium (Publication Year) Identifier
Using the example in the previous section, the compact citation would read:
Homes et al., FaceBase, 2018

Learn more about citing data at DataCite and Nature Research.