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FaceBase Terms of Use for Open Data | FaceBase

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FaceBase Terms of Use for Open Data

FaceBase is intended to be a resource for the larger scientific community. Please help us accomplish that goal by following these "Terms of Use" for open access data (to see our policies on controlled access data, please read our Data Access Policies page):

  1. Copyright to data and images on the FaceBase site is held by the individual contributing investigators (projects are listed on every data record - click the link to go to the project page which will list the name and institution of the investigator).

    Acknowledge the FaceBase projects that generated the data and relevant publications from FaceBase investigators in any of your work resulting from the use of FaceBase datasets by using citation information displayed on the “Share and cite” button available on every data record. Also acknowledge that you obtained the dataset from the FaceBase database.

    Full information on citing FaceBase datasets and the FaceBase site is available at:

    We will post the citations for relevant publications on the page linking to the dataset.

  2. Do not circulate the original datasets you downloaded to other potential users; instead, refer them to the FaceBase website.

    Note that circulation is a copyright violation but, more importantly, the datasets may be periodically updated, expanded or corrected so it makes the most sense for new users to obtain the latest version directly from FaceBase. Doing so also helps us collect the usage data needed to demonstrate that the community is taking advantage of FaceBase.

  3. Notify FaceBase, via help[AT], about any of your publications resulting from analysis of FaceBase data. We will post the citations to the FaceBase website – providing more exposure for your work and another way for us to document how FaceBase is being used by the scientific community.