Organism: Mouse (Mus musculus)
Number of Mouse Datasets by Assay Types
Anatomical Resources
Navigate data by anatomical region
Toggle visibility of different anatomical regions and click an anatomical term to view related data in FaceBase.
Mouse Anatomy by Age Stage
View color-coded images of the mouse face across various developmental age stages.
Mouse Skull Flythrough
This animation provides a detailed 3D video of all aspects of the mouse skull.
Genomics Resources
Gene Summaries with Expression Patterns
View gene expression pattern drawings and related gene information.
UCSC Genome Browser Tracks (Mouse)
Browse mouse genomes provided by FaceBase:EMAGE: FaceBase collection
The Edinburgh Mouse Atlas of Gene Expression (EMAGE) database hosts a collection of FaceBase data that includes gene expression pattern data from the mouse for a growing number of genes with possible roles in craniofacial development.
Gene Expression Profiles
Downloadable library of individual gene expression profiles indexed by gene for whole prominence and ectoderm/mensechyme.