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EnamelBase: Mouse Models | FaceBase

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EnamelBase: Mouse Models

The following table describes a suite of innovative mouse models, including amelogenesis-stage specific constitutive and inducible Cre drivers, reporters, conditional knock-out, and targeted mutant models. These models target structural and proteolytic proteins of the enamel matrix, trans-membrane ion transporters, and intracellular proteins associated with vesicular transport.

To cite this data: Please use the links under the Deposited By column to find the Project page for that mouse model. Then click the Share and cite button and use the text under “Data Citation”.

Mutant Allele Group Mouse Chromosome (ENSEMBLE) Map and genotyping protocol MMRRC Depository ID Verification Method Deposited By
MMP20 flox LoxP insertion Ch. 9 MAP WT MAP MUTANT Genotyping Protocol 68130 LoxP Recombination Klein/Joester
KLK4 flox LoxP insertion Ch. 7 MAP WT MAP MUTANT Genotyping Protocol 68131 LoxP Recombination Klein/Joester
AMTN flox LoxP insertion Ch. 5 MAP WT MAP MUTANT Genotyping Protocol 68132 LoxP Recombination Klein/Joester
AMELX flox LoxP insertion Ch. X MAP WT MAP MUTANT Genotyping Protocol 68129 LoxP Recombination Klein/Joester
ENAM flox LoxP insertion Ch. 5 MAP WT MAP MUTANT Genotyping Protocol in progress LoxP Recombination Klein/Joester
AMBN flox LoxP insertion Ch. 5 MAP WT MAP MUTANT Genotyping Protocol in progress LoxP Recombination Klein/Joester
ODAM flox LoxP insertion Ch. 5 MAP WT MAP MUTANT Genotyping Protocol Submitted, waiting for approval n/a Klein/Joester
CLTC Flox LoxP insertion Ch. 11 MAP WT MAP MUTANT Genotyping Protocol 68093 LoxP Recombination Diekwisch
AMELX-E3-GGG Targeted mutation Ch. X MAP WT MAP MUTANT Genotyping Protocol 68127 Locus sequencing Klein/Joester
AMELX-E5-GGG Targeted mutation Ch. X MAP WT MAP MUTANT Genotyping Protocol 68128 Locus sequencing Klein/Joester
AMBN-A254_Y255insX Targeted mutation Ch. 5 MAP WT MAP MUTANT Genotyping Protocol in progress Locus sequencing Klein/Joester
XYZ-CreERT2 Knock out/Knock-in TBA MAP WT MAP MUTANT Genotyping Protocol n/a n/a Klein/Joester
Proser2-EYFP Knock out/Knock-in Ch. 2 MAP WT MAP MUTANT Genotyping Protocol n/a n/a Klein/Joester
AMBN-Cre Knock out/Knock-in Ch. 5 MAP WT MAP MUTANT Genotyping Protocol 68135 TdTomato expression Klein/Joester
AMBN-IRESCre IRES Ch. 5 MAP WT MAP MUTANT Genotyping Protocol 67446 LacZ expression Paine
AMBN-CreERT2 Knock out/Knock-in Ch. 5 MAP WT MAP MUTANT Genotyping Protocol Submitted, waiting approval TdTomato expression Klein/Joester
AMBN-p2A-EGFP p2A Ch. 5 MAP WT MAP MUTANT Genotyping Protocol 68134 GFP expr. in secretory ameloblasts Klein/Joester
AMELX-p2A-Cre p2A Ch. X MAP WT MAP MUTANT Genotyping Protocol 68136 TdTomato expression Klein/Joester
AMELX-p2A-CreERT2 p2A Ch. X MAP WT MAP MUTANT Genotyping Protocol Submitted, waiting for approval n/a Klein/Joester
Slc13a5R337X Targeted mutation Ch. 11 MAP WT MAP MUTANT Genotyping Protocol 67433 Sanger sequencing Hu
Slc13a519del Spontaneous Deletion  Ch. 11 MAP WT MAP MUTANT Genotyping Protocol 67434 Sanger sequencing Hu
Slc13a5Flag Targeted insertion Ch. 11 MAP WT MAP MUTANT Genotyping Protocol 68041 Sanger sequencing, Flag expression by IHC Hu
OdaphC41X Targeted mutation Ch. 5 MAP WT MAP MUTANT Genotyping Protocol 67431 Sanger sequencing Hu
OdaphIns Spontaneous Insertion Ch. 5 MAP WT MAP MUTANT Genotyping Protocol 67432 Sanger sequencing Hu
KLK4-Cre Knock out/Knock-in Ch. 7 MAP WT MAP MUTANT Genotyping Protocol 68133 TdTomato expression Klein/Joester
KLK4-CreERT2 Knock out/Knock-in Ch. 7 MAP WT MAP MUTANT Genotyping Protocol Submitted, waiting for approval TdTomato expression Klein/Joester
KLK4-p2A-mCherry p2A Ch. 7 MAP WT MAP MUTANT Genotyping Protocol Submitted, waiting for approval mCherry in maturation stage ameloblasts Klein/Joester
ODAM-IRESCre IRES Ch. 5 MAP WT MAP MUTANT Genotyping Protocol 67402 LacZ expression Paine