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Human Genomics Analysis Interface | FaceBase

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Human Genomics Analysis Interface

Data Usage

We request that any use of data obtained from the Human Genomics Analysis Interface be cited in publications:

To cite the browser, please use: FaceBase Human Genomics Analysis Interface, Pittsburgh, PA (URL: [date (month, year) accessed].

Publication Acknowledgement: The authors would like to thank the FaceBase consortium and the individual investigators that provided genomic data for FaceBase Human Genomics Analysis Interface (U01-DE024425). The FaceBase consortium and the FaceBase Coordinating Hub (U01-DE024449) are funded by the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research.

Terms of Usage
This web site is designed to provide a human genomic analysis interface generated through federal funding from the NIH. This data is provided free-of-charge, provided the following permission statement is followed. There may be other information on the site, such as links to other sites, references to other project groups, and federal grants. The University of Pittsburgh has no responsibility for these links and information.

The contents of the human genomic analysis interface web site are intended for educational or research purposes.